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The signature is right/down.
The surface of the unique art work on wooden board is flat .
The painting is located in the area ' meditative worlds '

title: 'ocean sound'

size: 35.43 x 23.62 in (90 x 60 cm)
oilcolor on wood, board / year 2022
list nr.: 1820

In this subtle and balanced oil painting on canvas, the connection between soul and sea is presented in a special way. The color palette of soft browns and shades of gray gives the scene a calming and meditative atmosphere. The sun in the background, which broadly illuminates the horizon in a warm orange, signals the sunset and adds a romantic and friendly touch to the scene.

The wet dark sand stretches to the horizon line where the sea begins, although some prominent waves break gently on the beach. The reflection of the sun on wet sandy ground reinforces the impression of peace and serenity. On the beach on the left you can see a single half-hidden branch, which means that time has already passed here, in a peaceful spirit.

The connection between soul and sea in this painting can be interpreted in different ways. It could symbolize the longing for inner peace and serenity while enjoying the beauty and silence of nature. The endless expanse of the sea could indicate the idea of infinity and spirituality, and the gentle waves could be interpreted as purification and renewal of the soul.

Perhaps this painting invites the viewer to connect with nature, seek inner peace and appreciate the timeless beauty of the sea. It reminds us that the connection between soul and sea can be a source of inspiration and comfort.

relevant attributes:

# #green-grey #the #sun #sundown #sea #ocean #waves #branches #reflexion #sandy #beach #horizon #distance #

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* Artist S t e r n h a g e l *

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imprint: S . S t e r n h a g e l , painter , Rosenthaler Str. 19 / 10119 Berlin - Mitte / USt-IdNr.: DE 211 063 313 /
This webpage shows a little part of my artistical creations.

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