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The signature is right/down.
The surface of the unique art work on wooden board is flat .
The painting is located in the area ' fantastic landscapes '

title: 'river bridge'

size: 19.69 x 15.75 in (50 x 40 cm)
oilcolor on wood, board / year 2021
list nr.: 1796

A particular subtile surrealist touch in this painting is the depiction of a river crossing with bridges. Despite the initial normality, there is a deviation from the norm and movement in this river crossing, which gives the picture an idiosyncratic style.

This painting could convey the message of letting nature flow in its own way and regulate itself - without human intervention such as genetic engineering. The image could argue for leaving nature as it is and not making any human interventions that could affect its naturalness.

The oil painting on wood panel otherwise shows a landscape that stretches far into the distance, with the view extending unhindered to the horizon. Individual trees are wild and widely scattered, with no signs of human agricultural influence. In the distance, a mountain range stretches in various shades of blue and gray and dominates the horizon. A summery sky with a light touch lies above it.

The landscape in the foreground offers a new level at the bottom left, which is equipped with large stones and a further river course. The water of this third river in the composition appears to plunge into the depths, but is turned away from the viewer`s gaze. The associated waterfall can only be guessed at and is left to the imagination. An aging stone bridge stretches over the river, bearing a certain history.

Overall, this painting expresses the natural beauty of nature and reminds us of the importance of protecting and preserving it. It invites the viewer to immerse themselves in this picturesque landscape and experience the poetry of nature.

relevant attributes:

#bridge #river #brook #trees #leaves #tree #meadow #grass #riverscape #clouds #mountains ,

- C O N T A C T -
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concern ( 10 x for selection):
message / question:

* Artist S t e r n h a g e l *

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imprint: S . S t e r n h a g e l , painter , Rosenthaler Str. 19 / 10119 Berlin - Mitte / USt-IdNr.: DE 211 063 313 /
This webpage shows a little part of my artistical creations.

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