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The signature is right/down.
The surface of the unique art work on canvas is flat .
The painting is located in the area ' meditative worlds '

title: 'Ocean towers'

size: 27.56 x 15.75 in (70 x 40 cm)
oilcolor on canvas / year 2012
list nr.: 1494

Das Gemälde depicts an impressive scene that captivates the viewer. In the center of the painting, a radiant sunball shines, lending the surroundings an inviting and warm atmosphere. This sun acts as the focal point of the scene, illuminating it and bringing the entire landscape to life.

Surrounding the sunball are islands that jut out of the sea like monumental rocks. These islands stretch to the horizon and convey a majestic presence. Their shapes and contours exude stability and tranquility.

The brushstrokes in this oil painting are masterfully executed, imbuing the scene with a vibrant radiance. The waves of the sea appear refreshing and meditative as they gently lap against the shores of the islands. The reflection of the islands in the clear water creates a harmonious connection between sky and earth.

On the horizon, a picturesque band of clouds adorns the sky with delicate patterns. These clouds give the scene a sense of lightness and dynamism.

Overall, the painting exudes timeless beauty and serenity. It invites the viewer to immerse themselves in this peaceful environment and experience the quiet grandeur of nature. The sunball in the center symbolizes a source of light and energy that illuminates the entire scene and breathes life into the landscape. It is an image that celebrates the beauty and steadfastness of nature, transporting the viewer to a world of tranquility and fascination.

relevant attributes:

#Reflexion #water #depth #cloud #band #island #reflexion #waves #islands #elevation #water #surface #sea #solar #ball #sunray #

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imprint: S . S t e r n h a g e l , painter , Rosenthaler Str. 19 / 10119 Berlin - Mitte / USt-IdNr.: DE 211 063 313 /
This webpage shows a little part of my artistical creations.

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